Wonder Why

What Role Does Nutrition Play in Estrogen Dominant Disorders?

Episode Summary

With various root causes contributing to hormonal imbalances, nutrition plays a crucial role in managing and maintaining hormonal balance.

Episode Notes

Breast cancer accounts for about one-third of all new female cancer cases each year. Research has shown links between breast cancer and hormonal imbalances. 

With various root causes contributing to hormonal imbalances, nutrition plays a crucial role in managing and maintaining hormonal balance.

On today’s episode of Wonder Why with Sue-Ellen Anderson-Hayes, we explore the pivotal role that nutrition plays in managing and mitigating estrogen dominant disorders. Sue-Ellen is a health speaker and writer, diabetes and fitness expert, and holistic plant-based women’s health registered dietitian for over 15 years. She is the founder of 360Girls & Women - a health and wellness company for girls and women. She also is a co-founder of culturd – a digital healthcare app that connects dietitians to clients based on culture.